Delivering solutions whatever the scale

Portsmouth Spinnaker Tower and Prince of Wales aircraft carrier
Redstone is a software house and consultancy providing a range of technical services to Customers, primarily in the fields of simulation and highly secure data storage, capture, display, management and exchange.

Redstone provides consultancy services as a subject matter expert, including acting in a Customer Friend role.

Redstone's services encompass a range of topics including:

* Software development

* Databases, bespoke web and local client access

* Situational awareness, secure data exchange, simulation

* Enterprise architectures

* High availability systems

* Cyber preparedness and security

* Network performance and infrastructure

* Quality assurance/control/audit

* Integration

* Maturity and Acceptance, Verification and Validation

* Requirements definition, management

* Tender support, preparation and scoring

* Sub-contractor management, delivery


Redstone has a simple philosophy, that systems work, no fuss, no bother.